miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

Y cuando llegó el momento de hacerte un hombre y afrontar la vida lo hiciste

 Y cuando llegó el momento de hacerte un hombre y afrontar la vida lo hiciste, pero en algún momento del trayecto cambiaste, dejaste de ser tú, permitiste que te señalaran y que te dijeran que no sirves y cuando empeoró todo buscaste a quien echarle la culpa, a una sombra alargada.
Voy a decirte algo que tú ya sabes. El mundo no es todo alegría y color, es un lugar terrible y por muy duro que seas es capaz de arrodillarte a golpes y tenerte sometido permanentemente si tú no se lo impides. Ni tú, ni yo, ni nadie golpea más fuerte que la vida, pero no importa lo fuerte que golpeas sino lo fuerte que pueden golpearte, y lo aguantas mientras avanzas, hay que soportar sin dejar de avanzar, así es como se gana. Si tú sabes lo que vales vé y consigue lo que mereces, pero tendrás que soportar los golpes y no puedes decir que no estás donde querías por culpa de él, de ella ni de nadie, eso lo hacen los cobardes ¡ y tú no lo eres¡, tú eres capaz de todo.
Yo te querré en cualquier situación, pase lo que pase, eres mi hijo y llevas mi sangre. Tú eres lo mejor de mi vida, pero hasta que no empieces a creer en tí mismo no tendrás tu vida propia. No olvides visitar a tu madre.

Balboa Rocky a su HIJO

El mundo no es
arcoiris y amaneceres.
En realidad es un
lugar malo y asqueroso.

Y no le importa lo duro que seas,
te golpeará y te pondrá de rodillas,
y ahí te dejará si se lo permites.

Ni tú ni nadie..
golpeará tan fuerte como la vida.

Pero no importa lo
fuerte que puedas golpear,
importa lo fuerte que pueda golpearte
y seguir avanzando,
lo mucho que puedas resistir,
y seguir adelante.
¡Eso es lo que hacen los ganadores!

Ahora, si sabes lo que vales,
ve y consigue lo que vales.
Pero debes ser capaz
de recibir los golpes
y no apuntar con el dedo y decir que eres
lo que eres por culpa de ese o el otro.
¡Eso lo hacen los cobardes!
¡Y tú no eres un cobarde!
¡Tú eres mejor que eso!"

lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Best MBA in USA

#1: Harvard University

Harvard University was first established in 1636 and was named after the local clergyman John Harvard who also became the first benefactor of the university. As the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, Harvard University has the richest histories thus making it one of the world’s most prestigious schools of all time. The school has an acceptance rate of under 5% and is one of the costliest schools in the world. But because of its large endowment, Harvard offers generous financial aids to bright yet underprivileged students. Today, the university has produced many notable alumni including 8 United States presidents and 62 billionaires.
University of Chicago (Booth) 
Chicago, IL
$69,200 per year (full-time) 1,176 
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 
Philadelphia, PA
$70,200 per year (full-time) 1,737 
Stanford University 
Stanford, CA
$68,868 per year (full-time) 853 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 
Cambridge, MA
$71,000 per year (full-time) 813 
Northwestern University (Kellogg) 
Evanston, IL
$68,955 per year (full-time) 1,296 
University of California—​Berkeley (Haas) 
Berkeley, CA
$58,794 per year (in-state, full-time); $59,811 per year (out-of-state, full-time) 543 
University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor (Ross) 
Ann Arbor, MI

Las 16 Mejores Universidades

#1: Harvard University

Harvard University was first established in 1636 and was named after the local clergyman John Harvard who also became the first benefactor of the university. As the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, Harvard University has the richest histories thus making it one of the world’s most prestigious schools of all time. The school has an acceptance rate of under 5% and is one of the costliest schools in the world. But because of its large endowment, Harvard offers generous financial aids to bright yet underprivileged students. Today, the university has produced many notable alumni including 8 United States presidents and 62 billionaires.

#15: Cornell University

Cornell University is a private research university that has colleges and schools located in Ithaca, New York, and Qatar. What makes this school difficult to get accepted to is that it has an acceptance rate of 15%. It ranked as the top 14 school in the list of Best Colleges and National Universities. The school is seen something of a leader as it is one of the first schools in the United States to allow both men and women to study together. Since it was founded in 1865, it has already produced 58 Nobel laureates and 14 living billionaires thus adding prestige to this school.

14: Johns Hopkins University

The Johns Hopkins University is a private research university located in Baltimore, Maryland. The university is linked directly to the Johns Hopkins Hospital as its largest philanthropic gift to the country. Johns Hopkins University has the most sought-after medical school in the United States where only the best and the brightest are accepted. The school has an acceptance rate of 14% thus making it worthy to be on the list. The school ranked 11th among the undergraduate programs in the US News 2017 edition and 10th among global university rankings by the US News & World Report. Since it was founded in 1883, it has produced 36 Nobel Prize laureates

#13: Dartmouth College

Established in 1796, Dartmouth College was one of the first universities to be established in the United States. It was first intended to educate the Native Americans but not long after it was established, they have accepted all kinds of students. The university has produced many prominent alumni including 170 members of the US Senate, 24 US governors, 10 billionaires, 3 Nobel Prize laureates, and 10 US Cabinet secretaries to name a few. The acceptance rate of this university is only 11% thus it only accepts the best and the brightest in the country and all over the world as it also grants scholarships to promising students outside the United States.

#12: University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania is a private Ivy League research university located in Philadelphia. It is also America’s first university. Originally called Franklin’s College of Philadelphia, it was founded by Benjamin Franklin who advocated an educational program that focused on commerce and public service. Through its rich history, the school has produced 2 US Presidents, 3 US Supreme Court justices, 33 US senators, 30 Nobel Prize laureates, 12 signers of the US Constitution, 8 signers of the US Declaration of Independence and 25 billionaires. Basically, the school served an important part of the United States’ history. Currently, it has an acceptance rate of 10%.

#11: California Institute Of Technology

Founded in 1891 by Amos G. Throop, the California Institute of Technology or CalTech is a private university located in Pasadena, California. This university attracted a lot of scientists including George Ellery Hale and Robert Andrews Millikan. This university is frequently cited as one of the best universities in the world although this university is relatively smaller than other great American schools. It alumni include 37 Nobel laureates, 4 US Air Force chief scientists, 6 Turing Award winners, and NASA workers. The school also produced many winners of the National Medal of Science or Technology. To date, the acceptance rate of CalTech is at 9%

#10: Brown University

Brown University is one of the oldest universities in the United States. In fact, it is one of the nine colonial colleges that are still operating within the country. This private Ivy League research university is located in Rhode Island. It was the first university to accept students of all religious backgrounds. And as an Ivy League school, it is one of the most selective in the United States with an acceptance rate of 9%. To date, the school’s alumni include 8 Nobel Prize laureates, 10 National Medal of Science laureates, a US Supreme Court justice, 4 US Secretaries of State, and 8 billionaires.

University of Chicago

A private research university based in Chicago in Illinois, the University of Chicago’s history goes way back to 1890. It was established by the American Baptist Education Society with the funding from John D. Rockefeller. The school played a major role in the development of academic disciplines likes sociology, economics, law, and political science. To date, the school has many prominent alumni including 92 Nobel laureates, 13 billionaires, and many members of the US Congress. The school has an acceptance rate of 8%.

 Massachusetts Institute Of Technology

Also called MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was established in 1860. As a private research university, this school focuses on science-related courses. It is situated in Cambridge and the campus that lies on the bank of the River Charles Basin has a size of 168 acres. It is comprised of 5 schools and 1 college and is touted as one of the best universities in the entire world. In fact, it has a very impressive list of alumni including 82 Nobel Prize laureates and 34 astronauts. While it used to specialize only in physical science and engineering, the school has branched out to natural science and social sciences as well. Currently, the school has an acceptance rate of 7.9%.

6: Princeton University

The Princeton University was founded in 1746 and it is considered as one of the oldest higher education institutions in the country. The campus is situated in a 500-acre land in Princeton, New Jersey. As an Ivy League school, it has an acceptance rate of 7.4% thus making it one of the most difficult universities to get into. The school provides a program to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students. The school is rated not only as one of the best universities in the United States but also all over the world. To date, the school has produced 2 US Presidents and 41 Nobel Prize laureates.

#4: Stanford University

Stanford University was founded in 1885 by Leland and Jane Stanford. It is located in Santa Clara Valley within the sprawling 8,180-acre campus. Considered as one of the toughest colleges in the United States to get into, the Stanford University has an acceptance rate of only 7%. As one of the finest educational institution in the world, Stanford competes with other Ivy League schools like Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard. It is also one of the wealthiest universities with a total asset of $21.4 billion. The school has produced 20 Turing Award laureates, 17 astronauts, and 67 Nobel Prize laureates to name a few.

#3: Columbia University

Columbia University was established in 1754 thus making it one of the oldest universities in the United States. Located in Manhattan in New York, this Ivy League university was first known as the King’s College. The student population of Columbia University is estimated to be around 30,000 in all its 20 schools. The acceptance rate of the university is 7% thus making it a very selective university in the country. Columbia University has produced many notable alumni including the 5 Founding Fathers of the United State, 10 United States Supreme Court justices, 95 Nobel Prize laureates, 123 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 20 billionaires.

2: Yale University

Yale University is an American private Ivy League university located in New Haven, Connecticut. The school was founded in 1701 thus making it one of the oldest institutions in the United States. As one of the nine colonial colleges in the US, Yale University is considered as one of the richest universities in the world with an asset amounting to $25.6 billion. Moreover, the university has the biggest academic libraries in the country with more than 15 million volumes. The school has an acceptance rate of 6.3% and has produced many notable alumni including 5 United States presidents, 19 US Supreme Court justices, and 20 living billionaires.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

Asset Purchase From the Fed

Quantitative easing (QE), also known as large-scale asset purchases,[1][2] is an expansionary monetary policy whereby a central bank buys predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to stimulate the economy and increase liquidity.[3][4] An unconventional form of monetary policy,[3] it is usually used when standard monetary policy has become ineffective at combating too low inflation or deflation.[5][6][7][8] A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying specified amounts of financial assets from commercial banks and other financial institutions, thus raising the prices of those financial assets and lowering their yield, while simultaneously increasing the money supply.[9][10] This differs from the more usual policy of buying or selling short-term government bonds to keep interbank interest rates at a specified target value.[11][12][13][14]
Expansionary monetary policy to stimulate the economy typically involves the central bank buying short-term government bonds to lower short-term market interest rates.[15][16][17][18] However, when short-term interest rates reach or approach zero, this method can no longer work.[19] In such circumstances, monetary authorities may then use quantitative easing to further stimulate the economy, by buying assets that are riskier, or of longer maturity, than short-term government bonds, thereby lowering interest rates further out on the yield curve.[20][21]

If the Fed buys bonds in the open market, it increases the money supply

If the Fed buys bonds in the open market, it increases the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public. Conversely, if the Fed sells bonds, it decreases the money supply by removing cash from the economy in exchange for bonds. Therefore, OMO has a direct effect on money supply. OMO also affects interest rates because if the Fed buys bonds, prices are pushed higher and interest rates decrease; if the Fed sells bonds, it pushes prices down and rates increase.

Read more: The Fed's New Tools For Manipulating The Economy https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/monetary-policy-recession.asp#ixzz5CmJn5a8V
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Buying Bonds- Ponen Dinero en Circulación

If the Fed buys bonds in the open market, it increases the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public. Conversely, if the Fed sells bonds, it decreases the money supply by removing cash from the economy in exchange for bonds. Therefore, OMO has a direct effect on money supply. OMO also affects interest rates because if the Fed buys bonds, prices are pushed higher and interest rates decrease; if the Fed sells bonds, it pushes prices down and rates increase.

Read more: The Fed's New Tools For Manipulating The Economy https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/monetary-policy-recession.asp#ixzz5CmJn5a8V
Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook

Demand Notes are Very

A demand note is a promissory note that is callable or payable on demand. Unlike most bonds and long-term loans, no default or cause is required for the lender to demand repayment of the loan. A demand note has no fixed term or specified maturity date and can be used for short- or long-term loans. They are typically provided as unsecured, subordinated debt. The interest rates on demand notes are set at the beginning, but generally vary according to contractual terms with periodic adjustments.


Demand notes, in which the corporation is the borrower and the bank or other large financial institution is the lender, provide their borrowers with flexibility, but the borrower must have enough financial resources to repay the note when called. An inability to repay on demand can put the company into financial distress, so demand notes work best when banks and other lending institutions are not motivated to call the loan. As an alternative, many municipalities and publicly traded corporations issue demand notes to the public to raise funds and provide investors with another investment vehicle.

Corporate Demand Notes

Many corporate demand notes are structured as short-term subordinated debt and offered to investors in a format similar to money market accounts. Buyers can often invest with as little as $1,000, obtain check-writing privileges and make smaller follow-on investments of as little as $50. Buyers can also make unlimited purchases and redemptions as long as they do not fall below account minimums. Many of these corporate demand notes, like money market accounts, offer a floating interest rate and daily compounded interest. In general, yields on corporate demand notes exceed that of money market accounts.

Risk Reduction

By issuing demand notes to a number of entities and individuals, municipalities and corporations reduce the risk that all of the proceeds or principal will be called in one lump sum. Institutional and individual investors can purchase these corporate or municipal demand notes directly or through their brokers after reviewing a prospectus. As an investor, there is the risk that the investment could be lost if the corporation issuing the demand notes encounters financial difficulties.

Demand Notes Las Espaldas Verdes

Demand Note is a type of United States paper money that was issued between August 1861 and April 1862 during the American Civil War in denominations of 510, and 20 US$. Demand Notes were the first issue of paper money by the United States that achieved wide circulation and they are still in circulation today, though they are now very rare. The U.S. government placed the Demand Notes into circulation by using them to pay expenses incurred during the Civil War including the salaries of its workers and military personnel.
Because of the distinctive green ink on their reverse, and because state-chartered bank and Confederate notes of the day typically had blank reverse, the Demand Notes were nicknamed "greenbacks", a name later inherited by Legal Tender and Federal Reserve Notes. The obverse of the Demand Notes contained familiar elements such as the images of a bald eagleAbraham Lincoln, and Alexander Hamilton, though the portraits used on Demand Notes are different from the ones seen on U.S. currency today.
When Demand Notes were discontinued, their successors, the Legal Tender Notes, could not be used to pay import duties, a large part of the U.S. federal tax base at the time, and thus Demand Notes took precedence. As a result, most Demand Notes were redeemed, though the few remaining Demand Notes are the oldest valid currency in the United States today.

50 sisters escaping marriage contracts, takes refuge in a sumptuous Italian villa

A Runaway bride, one of 50 sisters escaping marriage contracts, takes refuge in a sumptuous Italian villa. Undoing her wedding dress, discarding everything underneath, she is a woman released, jumping into a bathtub, to be cleansed, unchained at last.
This is how the show at the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven begins. And it is a show that is really a show. It isn't only a play. ''Big Love'' is the simple, direct, important, easy-to-remember title of a fanciful theater piece you will never forget.
The woman named Lydia and her 49 sisters have sailed away from Greece. No sooner has the boat docked than a helicopter lands, bearing the jilted grooms, all brothers. Wearing military fatigues, as if armed for the marriage wars, they have come to claim their rightful possessions. Tuxedos under uniforms signal presumed victory. A deal is a deal, the brothers insist. The sisters resist. This deal denies their will; it represents prenuptial entrapment, not agreement, they protest. It is rape.
If all this sounds far-fetched, so it is, and it invites flights of the mind. Truth be told, only three brides and three grooms appear, but there is no question that 47 sisters and 47 brothers are waiting in the wings.
''Big Love,'' which is big, (mighty, actually), and about love (justice too) is a fable (as in fabulous), a myth (its origin), an MGM musical in technicolor, a circus and, believe it, a Greek tragedy.
Continue reading the main story
Mozart, Mendelssohn and Wagner (in a light moment) contributed to the music. Rodgers and Hart too. Not that more modern idioms are overlooked. ''You Don't Know Me,'' the brides belt in show-stopping girl-group defiance.
The more outlandish the show gets, the more immediate its impact. Plot should not be revealed, though the theater's program and newsletter spill it all. Better to let ''Big Love'' just happen to you. Read background material, some written by the playwright, Charles L. Mee, later.
For here is surprise, astonishment and adventure, restored to theater. It should come as no surprise that the show rocking Long Wharf derives from an ancient Greek play, ''The Suppliant Woman,'' and a tragedy at that.
Yet it is Mr. Mee's own special creation. Besides, he took over where Aeschylus might have left off. No one knows the remaining plays in a lost cycle. Practically speaking, it is likely that today's theatergoers will talk of ''Big Love'' for a long time, and remain clueless about ''The Suppliant Woman.''
But it is important to note Greek drama as inspiration. For ''Big Love'' is not about little things. In its beginnings, drama did not bother with common neuroses, bad marriages, dysfunctional families. There were primal themes (revenge, passion, courage) and real issues (good and evil, right and wrong) and they were enacted at gut level.
In theatrical scale, intellectual size and stylistic scope, ''Big Love'' bravely traverses expansive terrain. These men and women all of them right, all of them wronged, represent a search for truth and freedom; the hope for a safe place, a society at peace, a fulfilling universe. Though of the contemporary world, they are not mundane or self-righteous.
It is easy to think that here is the core of feminism, sexism, entitlement. Mr. Mee's questions go deeper. What does it mean to be a man, a woman, a human being, a displaced person?
Remarkably, his leap of boundless imagination has refashioned tragedy into a theatrical statement that is comedic, gymnastic, musical, sensual, shocking and redemptive.
And why is it so joyous when, in the end, frivolity is over? Perhaps Les Walters, whose staging overflows with euphoric, erotic, madly tumultuous sequences, can explain.
But then the answer is in the experience, in wonder, in the agility and grace of lovely actors. Most are repeating roles originated in the show's premiere at the Humana Festival in Louisville last year. Next stop: Berkeley. Coming up: Chicago and Brooklyn. There is no stopping ''Big Love.''
''Big Love'' by Charles L. Mee. Long Wharf Theater. 222 Sargent Drive, New Haven. Performances through April 1. Box office: (203) 787-4282.